Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday at the Zoo!

The crew and the animals are happy to see each other today as Labor Day weekend was a very busy time at the park. As a crew, we catch up on the things that a busy weekend puts at bay to accomplish. Trash cans get full, tree branches fall, equipment needs to be filled up with petroleum. All of this is ascertained as we greet our beloved animals. Through all of this, it is a great feeling when the tigers greet you with a big tiger grin. The monkeys come to the front and reach out with a clap. The lions give you a whispered roar. The macaws flutter their wings in beauty.

The passion for the animals is unmatched and the passion the animals have for you is unmatched!

 King's Big Smile
 Hank and his Teeth on display
 The curiosity of Hank
The Little BIG Boy's grin

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